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I am available for commission work from wall murals, to wedding invites, band posters and the usual artwork to hang on your walls.  I am open to new ideas from potential clients so please feel free to message me with any queries. Below are some examples of my work.

Approximate prices
A5 £60 - £80
A4  £100 - £150
A3 £320 - £500

Please note the final price depends on the complexity and the timescale of the commission.  

wren final
Blue dragonfly website
caterpillar website
wedding invite front

Wedding Invite Front

wedding invite back
evening invite front

Evening Invite Front

evening invite back

Evening Invite Back

order of the day

Order of the Day

Invite back
Invite front
Nursery height chart finally finished!!

Bedroom height chart

Recently finished pen cat portrait done
That's it. They're all finished

New Zealand Birds

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